At A Glance

Biology is the study of life, 从最简单的动植物形态到高度复杂的人类结构. 生物学领域试图更好地理解生物体是如何发育的, function, 并与彼此和环境相互作用.


  • Bachelor of Arts in Biology
    Bachelor of Science in Biology


  • Biology

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生物学家研究生命的进化, 是什么把分子和细胞连接起来, tissues to systems, and organisms to ecosystems, 通过祖先到后代的完整链条.

bv伟德ios下载的课程将为生物学专业的学生准备学术和工业研究职位, 研究生学习领域从保护到分子遗传学, and entry into health careers.

  • Nadia Musaitef ?25

    “I love how small and tight-knit the community is, and I really love the personal relationships that are made here. Carthage is more than just a school — it’s a family.”

  • Jack Kelley ?25

    “I chose Carthage because of the great programs that the College offered and, of course, the lake!”

  • Emily Chong

    “I absolutely love how pretty the school looks and the small class sizes.”

  • Maverick Leer

    “The Biology Department at Carthage has strong research opportunities and lots of interesting classes to take. The professors are helpful and are very good to get to know.”

  • Juan Alberto Gomez-Solis ?25

    “The professors have all been very generous and passionate about their teaching. I am very grateful they go above and beyond to ensure their students succeed in class! Many of them make the environment comfortable — where you can be your true self.”

  • Mel Krukow ?26

    “Not only a perfectly sized smaller school, but Carthage also offers everything I need to become a paleontologist.”

  • Anna Polietaieva ?27

    “As a liberal arts school, Carthage highlights exploring different disciplines and connecting them. The combination of both, and of course the lake view, were the main reasons I chose Carthage.”

  • Brett Jackson

    “There is a variety of specialties and skills you can learn as a biology major. I came to Carthage for its paleontology program, which is rare in undergraduate studies and even rarer to have it through a biological and anatomical perspective.”


所有生物学专业的大一新生都可以在入门课程和机构中获得真正的研究经验 National Science Foundation, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and NASA 支持其他正在进行的实验. 通过必修的毕业论文和付费课程,研究进一步深入 本科暑期研究经历. bv伟德ios下载生物专业的学生在国外实验室的研究职位上也很有竞争力 Fulbright fellowships.

最近的学生研究项目在分子生物学方面有了新发现, cancer biology, space biology, human physiology, ecology, and paleontology. 学生在教师的指导下独自或以小组形式工作, designing experiments, collecting and analyzing data, 并对科学做出了重大贡献. 学生研究人员在校园研讨会上展示研究成果, 许多人选择在地区或国家科学会议上分享他们的发现,并准备在学科期刊上发表的手稿.


Beyond the Classroom

学生组织如贝塔贝塔荣誉学会, Pre-Health Club, 和bv伟德ios下载拯救地球联盟(CURE)在生物专业中很受欢迎.

On faculty-led J-Term study tours, 你可以在尼加拉瓜协助医疗保健或水质,或者在蒙大拿州与一位著名的古生物学家一起寻找恐龙化石. 最近的其他游学活动让学生们了解亚利桑那州等地的生活, Hawaii, Costa Rica, Belize, Honduras, Singapore, Taiwan, and China.





有抱负的医疗保健专业人员经常咨询教师协调员,以选择符合他们能力和目标的课程. bv伟德ios下载预科学生可以提前申请伊利湖骨科医学院的医学或牙科课程,有时可以绕过入学考试.

Pre-Health at Carthage


有动力的学生可以缩短一年的学习时间,参加圣华盛顿大学的双学位课程. Louis.



In this dual-degree program, 你将在BETVLCTOR伟德登录学习三年,最后四到五个学期在克利夫兰的凯斯西储大学或圣路易斯的华盛顿大学学习. Louis.

3+2 engineering program





  • Abbott Laboratories
  • Santa Barbara (Calif.) Zoological Society
  • 威斯康星州自然资源部


  • Medical College of Wisconsin
  • Tufts University
  • University of Wisconsin
  • Yale University

Careers in Biology


Scholarships for Biology Majors

bv伟德ios下载每年向新生颁发两项全额学费的数学/科学奖学金. 这些奖学金颁发给在生物学方面表现出能力的学生, computer science, mathematics, 和其他自然科学,并且可以四年更新. 

Math/Science Scholarships